Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Check out Pippa's Recount

 The Chair lift fail.

“Maz!” I cried. 

Maz screamed as she slid down the steep hill, I looked back wishing to see Mum and Dad on the next t-bar hoping that they would help me get to Maz.

Maz and I jumped on the t-bar at Rainbow ski field, and made our ascent up to the top of the mountain. 

We started chatting about what track we were going to do and then ooh and ahhed at the pro skiers jumping off cliffs and landing perfectly on the fresh snow. 

We got to the steepest part of the hill, I just about toppled over the side. 

“Carefull.” Maz said.

Just 5 seconds after, she hit a death cookie, lost her balance, lost control of her skiis and went off the edge. All I heard was the skis scratching on the ice and then Maz desperately screaming for help as she slid out of my view. 

“Maz!” I cried. 

Maz screamed as she slid down the steep hill unable to stop, I looked back hoping to see Mum and Dad on the next t-bar.

My sister's gruesome screams rattled in my ears.


I launched myself over the edge but my jacket got caught on the t-bar. I turned my head then my skis crossed over and I fell side on. Snow flying everywhere, skis scraping against ice and then the panic set in. 

My ears rang and my throat hoarse from the screaming, I needed to stop. I dug my hands into the cold ice, nails were bent, hands were cold and I was stuck on a steep icy hill and I still had to help Maz!

Maz was getting close to the bottom, her scream pierced my ears and with a thud she hit the ground, her legs were in a weird position. Then a snowboarder jumped off the t-bar and went to go help Maz. I let out a sigh of relief but then the reality kicked in as I started sliding. I pushed my hand into the ice again, got my skis off and then I made my way down to my sister. 

 Two ski patrollers arrived swishing, turning their way down to me and they asked me. 

“Do you need any help?”

I thought for a moment… all I needed help with was getting down the hill, but I could do that myself.

“No thank you.” I said. 

They both nodded and went to go help Maz. 

Maisie was okay, she just wanted Mum and Dad. 

Mum and Dad arrived a couple of minutes later. We told them we were fine and thanked the Ski patrollers and the snowboarder. 

Then we made our way down to the cafe to have a hot chocolate. 

I took off my mittens and I had 3 broken nails. 


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